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2) Jin X, Jin H*, Yang X. et al. 2022. Shrubification along pipeline corridor in permafrost regions: A review. Forests, 13(7), 1093.

3) Wang W, Jin X*, Jin H*, et al. 2022. Evaluation of ground deformation at the segment of Xiufeng-Jinsong in northern Heilongjiang Province along the China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline, Northeast China using InSAR and ground survey. Eng Geol, 323,107227.

4) Jin X, Jin H*, Luo D, et al. 2022. Impacts of permafrost degradation on hydrology and vegetation in the Source Area of the Yellow River on northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Southwest China. Front Earth Sci, 10.

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6) Jin X, Jin H*, Iwahana G, Marchenko SS, et al. 2020. Impacts of climate-induced permafrost degradation on vegetation: A review. Adv Clim Change Res, 12(1): 29-47. ESI高被引

7) Jin H, Jin X*, He R, et al. 2019. Evolution of permafrost in China during the last 20 ka. Sci China Earth Sci, 62(8): 1207-1223.

8) Li X, Jin X, Jin H*, et al. 2021. Investigation of permafrost engineering geological environment with electrical resistivity tomography: A case study along the China-Russia crude oil pipelines. Eng Geol, 291, 106237.

9) 朱美全,金晓颖*,车富强,王宏伟,王文辉,周刚义,李国玉,李新宇,何瑞霞,杨如轩,唐建军,李善珍,张泽,金会军*.基于DSR理论-变异系数权重-云理论的冻土管道保温层措施效果评价综合云模型. 2023.已接收

10) 张珏,金晓颖*,黄帅,王宏伟,王文辉,周刚义,车富强,李国玉,金会军*.积雪对多年冻土区埋地管道周围温度场影响的数值模型研究. 2023. 已接收

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金晓颖, 安蓉, 屈建军, 李毅, 2015. 党河流域骆驼刺群落特征与土壤因子的相关性. 水土保持通报, 35(6): 306-310.

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