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1.李明宝, Real-time monitoring for freezing and thawing process of subgrade in seasonal frozen regions International Journal of Smart Home. 2016, 10:17-28 ( EI检索: 20163102677870)

2.李明宝,Plant sap flow wireless sensor network base on DF-MAC protocol I nternational Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking. 2016, 9: 53-62 ( EI检索: 20163102666521)

3.李明宝,Generation of blue laser by extracavity frequency-doubling of a tunable Ti:sapphire laser OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS – RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 2014.8(11-12):998–1000 SCI(Q4、0.383)

4.李明宝,Support vector machine modeling using particle swarm optimization approach for the retrieval of atmospheric ammonia concentrations ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING & ASSESSMENT 2016.21(4):531-546 SCI(Q4、1.241)

5.李明宝,High repetition rate graphene passively Q-switched YVO4/Nd:YVO4 laser OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 2016.10(5-6):311–313 SCI(Q4、0.383)

6.李明宝,Measurement of lumber moisture content based on PCA and GS-SVM JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH 2018.29(2):557-564 SCI(Q3、0.748)




1.理论力学,李明宝主编,华中科技大学出版社,普通高等院校土木专业十一五规划精品教材,2007年10月,ISBN 978-7-5609-4167-7

2.理论力学,李明宝参编,科学出版社,中科院“十一五”规划教材,2009.09 ISBN 978-7—03-024911-1

3.理论力学,李明宝主编3,中国水利水电出版社,高等院校“十一五”精品规划教材,2009.04 ISBN 978-7-5084-6018-5

4.基于有限元理论的木材力学建模与仿真研究:李明宝专著,welcome欧洲杯买球出版社出版, 2008.5,ISBN 978-7-81131-132-7

5.工程力学,参编,中国农业出版社,全国高等农林院校十一五规划教材,2012.08 ISBN978-7-109-16781-0


7..理论力学,李明宝主编,华中科技大学出版社,普通高等院校土木专业十一五规划精品教材,2013年12月,ISBN 978-7-5609-9213-6

8.理论力学, 清华大学出版社,李明宝主编 ,高等院校土木规划教材,2014.12第一版,ISBN978-7-302-38238-6


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